Saturday, November 29, 2008

Is it srsly that time of year?

QUESTION: when does this "holiday" season really start for you? For me, as soon as classes are over, although, I feel as though they should be finished with already. Srsly.

In more joyous news, we have the most fabulous, glory-be, celebration worthy coffee in right now. Well, one anyway, as choosing a favourite coffee is in some ways like choosing a favourite child, frowned upon and seldom practiced. I'm talking about Novo's Ethiopia Aricha 11. This coffee is like that best friend who surprises you with bursts of "flavour" every time you hang out. HUGE blueberry, sooo smooth, and seriously, this coffee can hardly do any wrong. Please, please, if you get an opportunity, come out soon to P&S and get your hands on a mug of this elixir before it's gone. Trust me, Aricha will definitely add to your holiday experience.

Also, fellow baristi, have you noticed – as Phil and I were discussing today – that when you are pouring rosettas like a rockstar, that is the one day you decide to not bring your camera? Fair friends, it seems to be the sad state of things as today I found myself in this position. Believe me, it doesn't happen often. Either that I'm without my camera or pouring as solidly as I was. At least I feel more prepared for the annual P&S xmas throwdown at our party next week. I think I will often fair well in these comps but I will need a little luck going against the likes of Ben, Will, Sebastian, and Phil. At least I think I can win the Ugly Sweater Comp!

I always have these great blog ideas while I'm at work but when I get home my brain is empty. Another sad story for sure because I know you all love it when I ramble aimlessly about nothing in particular. 


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Picture 085, originally uploaded by reggietamper.

I found this gem by Reg Barber from the CNBC. This is the best of the photos of me he posted. A special thanks to Reg for that close-up of me laughing, chin rolls and all!

me at the market!

Friends. I would like to tell you about something indeed very awesome happening this Saturday in Kensington. Along with the talented Chelsea Klukas and Tara Put I will be selling a lot of my photographic art prints at something called The Market Collective! It's going to be really fun, lots of local artists - young and old - selling their work. A REALLY great place to get unique Christmas gifts too! So, I look very forward to seeing you there so please come, stop by, and say hello!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'll be there in 5 minutes...

What's the best way to wake up on a day after the holiday when your alarm didn't go off and you skipped class again? Well a call from your boss saying that Square Mile Coffee just came in and it's all dialed and ready to taste!

So I hopped on my bike, and skirted over to the market for what is sure to be one of the best roasters around with 2 world champions and a world cupping champion on board. However, my being a little late getting over there I got the last shot left which wasn't the most brilliant shot the guys had pulled (as it had sat for a few minutes...), it was still quite delicious and I can't wait to try it again (in a cap too!). 

I was there in perfect time for the second batch of coffee to arrive in the form of more 'spro, and more origins. Of course we pulled the Los Luchadores (the warriors) Pacamara single origin 'spro. One of the more interesting shots I have tried. While it's fresh on my mind, I definitely got that olive savoury flavour they put on the bag balanced out with a touch of - in my humble palate - buttery, caramel-like sweetness. In a cappuccino it was almost like a sweet and creamy roasted veg soup. I just couldn't get past that olive taste though. Perhaps because I'm not an olive fan in real life I'm not so sure how I feel about it coming through in my coffee. This coffee definitely impressed me though with a great balance between that salty, savoury balanced sweetness. 

Needless to say, I can't wait to try their other offerings. Trying coffee like this just gets me excited for coffee all over again!

Plus, don't you just love their bag design?

New Espresso Label

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dot Coming Soon-ish

That's right, I have my own domain now. I am my own brand it seems, so does that make me a selfish person? Keep an eye on this site and you might see some more action on it in the very near future!

First Snow and Election Time

It's the first snow of the year and it is absolutely magical outside. One of my favourite things in the year is when we get that first hit of snow and everything changes! It gets me so excited about Christmas and just winter in general. No matter what anyone says, you can't be living in Calgary without some - even hidden - appreciation for the snow.

Not only is today the first real snow of the year, it is also a big day for the election going on in the US. I am not going to go into any big commentary on this, only say that whatever the result the next few months in the US will be ones to watch. I think in general many Canadians I know are more interested in this election than our own. Could this be because the US election has just as much of an effect on our country as our own politics? Just thinking out loud here...

Anyone else out there appreciating this snow as much as I am? I'm looking forward to getting up tomorrow with a nice press and watching the snow before school.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Website Soon!

Website Soon!, originally uploaded by ellywaves.

I'm trying to get my site up by the end of this year but for how long it took me to just develop this "coming soon" banner I don't know if that time exists!

However, I'm currently booking for weddings in 2009 so spread the word to those in love!

Note: This video cuts out a little earlier but it's just to give an idea. I'd love some feedback...