Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ariel & Adam

Ariel & Adam, originally uploaded by e.l.y.s.e.

Sweet! I just discovered that my photo was featured in Explore on Flickr! #187 but counted as interesting for people to see none the less.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Latte Art with Heart

Latte Art with Heart, originally uploaded by e.l.y.s.e.

This afternoon Ben Put and I tasted some 'spro and threw down some art. This was my favourite that I poured. Sure it's a little messy and imperfect but I love the little curl around the heart and the nice crema ring.

Keep watching here because I'm going to be cooking up some sort of throw-down in the near-ish future!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

barf days

In only a few weeks I will celebrate the fact that I have been around this world for 22 years. Now as much as this excites me, I can never decide how I want to spend it. 

So this year I will ask the people who still check this blog (being Nat, Ben, and Jason probably... are there more of you out there!?). 

It started with me wanting to go to Nectar for desserts, however, they won't seat more than 6 at a table - and obviously I have many more than 6 that I would love to eat dessert with! Then I though about booking the harvest table at FARM because it happens to be delicious there. This costs $35 a person though and many, many friends are students and have no funds for this - really this includes myself but on a birthday I always make exceptions for good food. Or I thought perhaps it would be great fun to meet at Raw Bar for dessert and martinis. Has anyone had a good experience there? I have only been there for brunch before.

There are my musings about this, please provide input as you see fit!

All my love,


end hiatus.

The most beautiful Aricha puck off the Clover that I stirred the other day. Probably aided by the fact that the camera phone was still a novelty to me, I took this photo. Basically I want lick it right off the filter (well, not literally of course. That wouldn't taste as good as it sounds so I have enough self-restraint to not go there.).

I started this blog after I deleted FB. Now I continue the blog AND have FB. Don't try to add me though, I am very strict about who gets to be my friend. You have to prove your love to me first. :D