Saturday, April 18, 2009

I have an embarrassing confession to make... Part 1 of 2

I was making a Sumatra Blue Batak Clover for a customer the other day and he asked me a really difficult question. And I felt like the biggest coffee loser when I didn't know the answer. The question: Where is Sumatra?

Oops. I stared at him blankly. 'Well, uh, you know it's, uh...' Stupid, stupid, stupid. It was like all those bad dreams you have of showing up to an exam that you didn't know about... and you're naked.

So, instead of crying myself to sleep that night, I resolved to learn as much as I could about the amazing region of Sumatra and subsequently, every coffee region that I love.

Here is part 1 of the results of my research:

Sumatra is located on a large island off the coast of Indonesia. It's a tropical island that is the largest exporter of coffee from Indonesia. Indonesia is the 4th largest exporter in the world exporting about 271 000 tons of coffee each year. However, we're only interested in about 25% of this which is of the arabica plant.

Traditionally, Sumatran coffee is known for being full-bodied, earthy with a balanced acidity. It can also have notes of tobacco and some floral, tropical flavours as well. 

I'm going to delve a bit further into the regions and the processing of Sumatra coffees in part two, so stick around! 

Feel free to post your questions and I'll try my best to find out the answers. I'm very excited to not be ignorant any longer to the coffees that I love and hope you'll enjoy these posts as I discover more about this.



Anonymous said...

You make me laugh ms. single origin. And for that you almost got me to be your fan.

buhlermadrid said...

Sumatra actually IS a large island, as opposed to being ON a large island and is a part of Indonesia, as opposed to be off the coast of Indonesia, but either way, I'm proud of your honesty and desire to learn. And awesome story—so awesome. If it had been me, I probably would have lied. (ie. Guatemala?...or something...)